Philippine property recovery gathers speed
Apr 4, 2022

Office landlords are completing projects based on schedule as more employees are encouraged to work onsite. This is supported by the country’s economic managers, especially given the multiplier effect of more people going back to the offices.
Residential developers are launching more horizontal projects outside Metro Manila as key areas in north and south Luzon remain as preferred investment destinations. Even in the peripheries of Metro Manila, we are seeing more developments. This, in fact, is the topic of a Colliers Research paper that will be released soon.
Local tourism is starting to gather pace while global travel continues to sail through uncharted waters. In the office market, we encourage landlords to keep an eye on tenants’ hybrid work arrangements while national players should look at viable price points and payment schemes for residential units located outside Metro Manila.
We are the only office-space-focused real estate firm in the country.