Eton focused on growing its leasing portfolio
Malaya Business Insight
May 5, 2022

“Since Eton Properties’ leasing business has been an essential segment in 2021, Centris Cyberpod One and Centris Cyberpod Three remained 100 percent fully leased out for the year, while Centris Cyberpod Five reported a 118 percent growth in its occupancy by the year-end, and occupancy levels are expected to improve further as the economy is opening up,” Tan said.
Tan said Eton is now working to retrofit the 36-storey Blakes Tower located at the one-hectare mixed-use development Eton WestEnd Square in Makati central business district, which has 11,500 square meters (sq.m,) of available leasable office area, which can be retrofitted to hybrid cuts at varying office size requirements ranging from 40 sq.m. to 1,000 sq.m. for more functionality.
“Blakes Tower has allocated 11 floors exclusive for the office area (8th-19th), while 15 floors (20th-34th) are devoted to residential units. Employers and employees will have the option to rent the residential floors to minimize the health risk and have seamless work-life integration,” Tan said.
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