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Why a Flexible Office Space Works for Us

Updated: Jan 18

It is important to note that this insight is based on our perspectives SOLELY and we did not take into consideration any outsider/third-party office occupier's requirements.

Office Pro Philippines is a service provider type of company with traditional work hours. Our company mostly works remote but we have been slowly coming more in the office as business activity has increased this year. Depending on the tasks and projects that are on hand, our people chooses where and how to work.

Generally, coming to the office for our people is their way to stay motivated and inspired. The office is our separation from home. With the pandemic and the adjustment to Work-from-Home, one big challenge was the stress of putting the boundary between work and home when all you have is one place. Not everyone has the privilege of having a house with an extra room that can serve as an office. Furthermore, the distraction of home tasks can affect work productivity. There are also other factors such as a stable internet connection, which has always been a challenge to most households in the Philippines.

This is why after the height of the pandemic, coming back to the office was a delight to us. Just imagine when you were a kid, weren't you excited to go back to school after that 2-month summer break? What more if its 2 years?

Now here we are, slowly coming back to pre-pandemic normal and there are things that are here to stay when it comes to how we work. When it comes to doing tasks and delivering projects to our clients, this is where our need of the office space changes.

When there are tasks that needs to be done in deep concentration, most of our people agreed that they like to be isolated but still want to have easy access to colleagues when they need advice or help in completing these tasks. Thankfully, as long as you are connected to the internet, you can stay in contact with your teammates through a virtual workspace. With lots of platforms to choose nowadays, its a matter of which works best with your team.

Delivering big projects where intensive collaboration is necessary, our people agree that coming to the office for regular alignment is preferred. Although in special circumstances, team members can still attend online.

The bottom line here is, flexibility. The power of having the option how to work and where to work seems to be advantageous for our people.

And naturally, the most important thing to take in considertation for a company not just to thrive but to flourish, is to ensure that the pople working for it are well taken care of.

Although of course it is nice to see our own private office with our own branding, a flexible office seems to be the best fit for us in the time-being.

  1. Our people can work wherever they want - flexible office spaces usually have different facility locations to choose from. If our consultant has to meet a client in Makati today and in Taguig tomorrow, its nice to have the option to come to 2 different offices in different days so he/she can be more efficient in time. Creatives such as our architects and interior designers, prefer to stay at home or sometimes, in cafes. Sometimes, a change in scenery help our people's mental state as well. It can affect them in different ways. Thus, when we give them options, we empower them to make a choice which will work best for them.

  2. Less operating overhead tasks - sure, the price of a flex space seems to be unjustified compared to getting your own office but that price tag is to save you from a lot of headache in managing your own space. Facility management is a big overhead of manpower and a lot of daily maintaining task. Getting a flexible space eliminates this for you almost entirely. It is important also to note that on a smaller scale, for companies with less than 10 people, this may actually save them on real estate costs as most traditional office space requires a lot of capex before you can operate.

  3. Managed events and social gatherings - it may seem unimportant to some, but having someone manage company events for you is such a plus. Events and social gatherings not only help companies in boosting their people's morale by giving them time to have fun and unwind, it also helps in creating business opportunities among members.

These are the reasons why we prefer a flexible office space. Of course, companies change over time. This may affect how they will utilize the office space but ultimately, assessing how your people use the space is the most crucial part of it all. It is important to align with your people when deciding your office space.

Office Pro Philippines is in The Executive Centre in Ayala Triangle Gardens Tower 2, click here to check for current availabilities.


Office Pro Philippines is a Corporate Real Estate Consultancy and Service Solutions firm that is focused on the OFFICE SPACE.

We are the only OFFICE SPACE-FOCUSED real estate in the Philippines with more than 10 years of practice from our consultants.

Our core services include office consultancy, office lease acquisition, and office construction.

To know more of our services, you can send us an inquiry to our email at 

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